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Durgamata's Shop

Average Rating3.89
(based on 485 reviews)

A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
Belief in God, Spirtual Experience, science/Spirit

Belief in God, Spirtual Experience, science/Spirit

A range of resources including personal anecdotes of some miracles and spiritual experiences in my life. I work as a free-lance RE consultant and will happily come in and talk about my own spiritual life or make a presentation on any aspect of RE (free - expences only)
Sri Ramakrishna and models of God

Sri Ramakrishna and models of God

Sri Ramakrishna lived in the 19th Century. Here I have given some insight into those who recorded his message as well as a brief selection of quotations including where he explains how God can be both Infinite, Transcendent and Impersonal AND personal and finite. Another model he uses is of the waters of a lake. Travellers approach from different directions, passing through totally different terrains, but when they bathe in the waters the waters are the same. (Different religions are like the different journeys - but the goal of all is the experience of God.
Readings / Resources relating to the Gaza Conflict

Readings / Resources relating to the Gaza Conflict

Most of these relate to the conflict between Israel and Palestine - the 'Gaza Crisis&' of July-August 2014. A separate resource is being prepared relating to individuals and organisations which are working towards Peace and Reconciliation. please let me know of any resources you find that may help inform our classes about the conflict in the Middle East - aiming for a greater understanding of the issues underlying both sides of the conflict and pointing towards hope + enduring peace.
Crime and Punishment, Peace and Conflict, engaging

Crime and Punishment, Peace and Conflict, engaging

Some initial ideas for engaging our pupils with these two important topics. I will add to these but at least this will help you start thinking of ways to engage with your pupils' own life experience and be able to learn from what the religions teach about these subjects. just came on here to add a file and found this is not downloading! Not surprising then to have a bad rating. I will try to put this right.
Lyrics for It's Christmas, Get Cracking,

Lyrics for It's Christmas, Get Cracking,

Here are the lyrics of another of Jill's songs from the aforementioned CD. I have used this a lot in teaching KS3 and KS4, it is funny and direct - engaging but very serious and quite soulful too. Please appreciate that my sister Jill has given me permission to share her songs - but only part of them. If she sees too many people downloading them free from here she may ask me to include only the first few lines of the music. She had to payva lot to get the recordings done. Once costs are covered all profits will go to charity. Contact - info@bluelotus.co (it is .co - not .com)
Five Pillars of Islam - especially Zakat

Five Pillars of Islam - especially Zakat

The Five Pillars file is from Wikki but I have added some comments relating to supporting Muslim students who are fasting during Ramadan. Also how to respond if a Muslim student claims that s/he can’t attend a detention because of fasting. I am including good contributions from the thread here too.
'Who wrote the Bible?' and is it fiction?

'Who wrote the Bible?' and is it fiction?

Responding to a rather 'silly' comment on a thread, which suggests the Bible was a work of fiction written by Jesus&' mates, I have outlined the authors of Acts and the four Gospels here, using material copied from Wikki. This attitude and question is fairly typical of some of our young people when they come into year 7 so I hope that colleagues will find this outline useful. It may be good to use as revision with KS4, too, when beginning a unit of work on Christianity, since some of them can have a rather ignorant attitude. Do add your comments and ratings. Thanks
The Story of Masada/Jewish History/Holocaust

The Story of Masada/Jewish History/Holocaust

I use the story of Masada as part of the background to European history which included such widespread anti-Semitism. It is likely that without that climate of prejudice and mistrust, the Holocaust could not have happened. and if students don't understand that fact, then they can look at the Holocaust as an isolated incident, unconnected with their own lives or our world today. I have written a bit more about this and uploaded it as a separate file. Do give your views and other items which are related and I could include to strengthen this resource.
RE and the Ebacc - July articles etc

RE and the Ebacc - July articles etc

I have copied the article from Independent and the letter from The Telegraph mentioned in a recent thread, adding some of the best submissions etc. I've highlighted important bits. Do keep up the pressure and forward these to Mr Gove, to your MP to chase Mr Gove with + anyone you know who may be willing to do the same, I think this time is really critical and a lot of people will be like me, up to the neck with other duties, so its hard to fit in the time. Good Luck and happy summer
A boy is bullied + spirituality at work in school

A boy is bullied + spirituality at work in school

This is my account of what happened when we moved to London and my son (then aged 9) suffered some bullying. (He is now 31 and a professional actor. You may have seen him in the photos and video referred to on Siddhartha becomes the Buddha.) I wrote this years ago and found it when doing a computer search for Krishna - in relation to my recent Hinduism Day. I think it could encourage some good discussion on many aspects of RE, PSHE and Citizenship. I have now also uploaded the 'parent' file - Sunlight and Shadow parts 2 and 3
The Euro Crisis, Global Economies, Poverty+Wealth

The Euro Crisis, Global Economies, Poverty+Wealth

The first article here is from Al Jazeera. It includes a reference to a video interview which you may use part of to shed light on this important issue. I am looking for any articles and videos which will help our students to understand what is happening and how it relates to them, to religious principles of fairness, justice, care for all, compassion and charity etc. I am looking for resources which will inform GCSE or older students and they will be useful for Citizenship and Economics subjects as much as for RE.
The danger of evangelism dressed as charity

The danger of evangelism dressed as charity

An excellent article about the so called charity 'Operation Christmas Child&' and the way it is actually a cover for the most right-wing American Evangelism. Marketed to schools all over the UK, the gifts provided by schools for needy children around the world are sent with evangelical material and these leaflets are regarded as the &';real gift' by the organisation - which celebrates those who are converted to Christianity as a result. An article warning schools about the project but also a good one to use with older classes when exploring prejudice and Fundamentalism.
What Amazes You Most? (life/nature/God) poem

What Amazes You Most? (life/nature/God) poem

A sweeping reflection on life which explores and celebrates the beauty and mystery of of our planet, introducing a range of concepts from different religions and world views. In art and music it may stimulate composition. The origins are in RE where the poem emerged from my struggle to get year 10 to engage with the question of God in a serious way - it was movingly effective - but I want to include the questions of suffering and evil and still struggle with this, to keep it a poem and not a book! I hope to publish eventually but do use it as a basis for discussion or creative response.
RE and the E Bacc. emailing all the MPs + replies

RE and the E Bacc. emailing all the MPs + replies

I'm sharing this to give others who want to write some ideas. I have tried to cover as much as I can here - in my original letter of 28th May - which is probably too much - but others may like to take some of the points to use in their letters. Still no answer about RE and the Bacc so I'll continue to share any correspondence resulting from this email the MPs 'campaign.' It may be of interest to post 16 / KS4 Citizenship and RE Thanks DurgaMata
It's Christmas, Winter, Who is the Child + 1

It's Christmas, Winter, Who is the Child + 1

Songs by teacher Jill Blackadder - sheet music and CD from 'Jill Slee Blackadder' <Jill.blackadder@btinternet.com>, The song I've used most in RE here is &'It&';s Christmas, get cracking' which is a great and humorous way of introducing an exploration of the tensions between our pagan &'yule&'; festival of feasting and indulgence which celebrates the return of the physical sun - lengthening days and hopes of spring to come - in mid-winter and the Christian celebration of the arrival of the Son, the spiritual sun or Light of the World.
durgamata blog - November 2011

durgamata blog - November 2011

This is not really part of the Meditation-Blog as that was something quite unique, to share my experiences in New York and my my daily meditation at the beautiful Meditation Garden I loved to visit every morning. But if there are any experiences here - back in England - which relate to issues which I mentioned or explored in that blog, I feel it is useful to share these as part of the 'appendix.' For now I feel inspired to continue to share my life in a small way here. The one about 13 - 15th relates to Remembrance Sunday. With love and thanks for all your encouragement. DMC
Why is it important to have good RE?

Why is it important to have good RE?

The first file here tells the story of Jim Jones and his Temple which ended up in Guyana, with over 900 people dead. The second file is an excellent article about why RE is important. Next, The Nature of Love, can be used as a GCSE/post 16 revision aid. I include it here as it relates to what I have written about engaging students in the 4th file. The fourth file is an example of the way that good RE really can make a difference. Happy Christmas everyone.
The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita translated by Juan Mascaro

In process - ch 4 half - A royal family, divided by greed and jealousy, faces a battle which symbolises the eternal battle between good and evil. Arjuna asks his charioteer Sri Krishna, to drive his chariot between the two armies. In both armies he sees friends and relatives. He is grief-stricken at the immanent destruction and refuses to fight. Sri Krishna says he must fight. Arjuna begs Krishna to teach him, and Krishna does. This conversation is recorded as 'The Song Celestial' - the Bhagavad Gita - and encompasses the essence of Hindu teaching.